Scene work and monologues for theater students

Monday, January 22, 2007

Tortured Eves: Mildred at the grocery store

Mildred: No, I don't want a plastic bag. Young man, that is what's wrong with the world. Plastic bags, bi-o-degradable factories with the special computers running the whole plant. Used to be that it took several men to run a plant. Now it takes one somewhere in a high-rise building to press a button. Poof thirty percent of the town lost their retirement funds. Boy, plastic bags was the beginning of all this fancy technology that started the breakdown of the family unit. You know you could provide a fine service to the community by letting them in on this. By pushing the paper bag we get back to basics. That plastic isn't worth a darn anyway. Unless of course you like groceries rolling around in your backseat.


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